Friday, December 2, 2011

Cross off your list with homemade jam and cashew butter!

Holiday gift boxes and stocking stuffers

who: your man or the wonderful woman in your life, your teacher, your clients, your mom, your grampa, or your best friend!

what: Give the gift of homemade jam or cashew butter this holiday season...

when to order: Order now online below! Or email and place your order with me. Last day to place an order is Monday, December 12th.

delivery: I will deliver your holiday gifts to your specifed delivery location (to you or your recipient). Delivery days include Wednesday, Dec. 14-Friday, Dec. 16th. I will send you a confirmation email.

shipping: Will ship to your recipient for you. If you want them to receive their jam before Christmas, shipping deadline is Monday Dec. 12th, just to be safe! There is an extra price option for shipping, see bottom of the page.

Taste of the seasons box
4-4oz jars, flavors include:
blueberry-blackberry jam, apple-pear jelly, pumpkin-tangerine jam, and cranberry pomegranate jam
(includes gift tag)

price options:

The CB and J box
8oz jars of homemade cashew butter and blueberry blackberry jam
(includes gift tag)

price options:

Stocking stuffer
1-4oz jam of your choice or cashew butter jar with snowflake topper
(includes gift tag)
price options:
jam flavor or cashew butter:

SHIP it for you?
I will be using flat rate shipping.
Large boxes will fit 2-4 Taste of the seasons/CB and J boxes.
Small boxes will fit 1 of the jam boxes or up to 8 stocking stuffers. Please select which shipping option you will need, fill in your name in the space provided, and you will provide me with the shipping address when you check out.

shipping options
your name is: (first and last)

Thanks and feed you soon! email Liza at if you have any questions!