Homemade jams and cashew butter

Current jam flavors:
blueberry-blackberry (porch ROCKIN's signature flavor), apple-pear jelly,
 pumpkin-tangerine jam, and cranberry-pomegranate jam

Jams and cashew butter are for sale at The Saturday Market , new season begins Memorial Day weekend 2012. Will be sold in select stores, coming soon, TBA. New flavors will come with the seasons! Also, Porch ROCKIN' is happy to make jam for you as gifts for a special event in your life. Just email me at porchrockin@gmail.com and we'll talk.

Porch ROCKIN' cashew butter: ingredient in winning pie at 2011 NC STATE fair!

And anytime from anywhere, send me your jam pics! Spread the jam and share the love.

blueberry-blackberry in Lake Tahoe